Time Management during Carona Lockdown | Bahuroop Writes

Hi everyone,

It's been weeks and months we are hearing the word Corona/Covid19. Most of us also know how it transmits from person to person. Our government authorities are trying to control by advising us through digital advertisements through all social media and as a last option implemented lockdown for all our safety. so that we can maintain distance from others and maintain hygienic life.

Time Management during Carona Lockdown | Bahuroop Writes
Time Management during Carona Lockdown | Bahuroop Writes

So the reason most of the companies started offering work from home option. As we been addicted to 8 AM to 5 PM or 9 AM to 6 PM life cycle since our childhood, most of us are unable to figure out how to utilize this time period in other words, we use time management and spend a peaceful time with family members. Let's start the list.

Practice Exercises/ Workout's/ Yoga :

We learn basic exercises during our schooling if you don't remember you can visit below link and practice your workout/exercises.

If you are a fan of Yoga, perform asana or use postures. It's good to learn and practice breathing techniques daily to avoid breathing issues, you can visit this link below.

Play indoor games :

You can play games like Chess, Snakes & Ladder's, UNO Cards, Carroms.

Play Outdoor games :

This is an optional activity, everyone may not be having backyard space for playing games., Still, you can play mini-games like box cricket(you can take help from 90 kid's if you are not sure ;P), ball catches, middle monkey,--etc,. Play safe with kids.

Online Streaming :

Play online games like PubG, Ludo, Chess, Sudoku, and other PC or PSP games.

Read Books :

This is the time to start a new habit. There are a lot of free books that are available online, you can install google books or amazon kindle app.


You might hear this shortcut word multiple times but it's not Work From Home. It's Work For Home. Like cleaning doors, windows, cooking, and other household works.

Developing hobbies :

You might have old hobbies like Painting, Planting Seeds, Watering Plants, Dancing, Singing, Acting and playing music. Enjoy it along with your friends or family members.

Certificate Course :

I hope you might already know this still, I guess its rite time to learn new topics and do certifications, related to your job or based on your interest. You can use websites like Edx, Alison, Linkedin, Udemy.

Don't forget about your neighbors :

Nowadays most of us forget our neighbor's name. It's time to spend some time to chitchat and of course, you can help and take their help that too this point of time for basic need. 20days is not a small count think about it and be friendly with everyone and maintain hygiene all the time.

These are the way you can spend your time with your family members, let me know if I miss anything. Thanks for your valuable support for our first article.

Keep sharing your valuable suggestions and feedback.

Be good, do good and share good.

Your Bahuroop signing off.


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