Youth of India | Bahurop Writes

Hi friends, How are you doing?? Today I would like to write and dedicate this article about 'Youth of India'. What it means Youth to you?? Youth of India | Bahurop Writes Age..? Strength.? Maturity levels?? Nope, nothing is rite. Hope by this time few of you might already googled it. Please don't mind it's only my point of view. Youth means it's only about your age or strength or maturity levels. It's about your energy levels, way of thinking, passion to learns about new things. There is a famous quote "Age is just a number". Don't you agree?? It's been years we are hearing India is a developing country, do you know why. Because from the past few generations skilled Indian youth is been transported or they themself moved to other countries and settled there. That is also one of the reasons as you can see most of the Indians or their family members are currently working in most of the top sectors across the world. I he...